Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Twitter assignment for May 25, 2010

• Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

Frankly after reading the About Us on the Twitter site, I cannot fathom a meaningful use for this site. The marketing hype was drivel. The site may be popular but the "tweets" were not anything that would change the world or provide authoritative information. There are a lot of people out there with far too much time on their hands.
There is a slightly more positive article in this month's (May 2010), Smart Computing magazine p.49-51 "To Tweet or Not to Tweet" That is The Question. Anyone interested in learning how to market their ideas via Twitter will enjoy this article.

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, LibraryThing

Do you see any practical applications for LibraryThing either at home or at work? Will you start using this site?

I can see this site being very practical for book reviews. It would be great to see what others have thought of the book. Another aspect of this site is to get a synopsis of the plot to see if it is something I would want to read (or have already read) It would also be handy for finding new authors. I may start using this site.

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10 Assignment Online Productivity Products

Do you see yourself using these tools or will you stick to more traditional methods. If you were to use one of these tools regularly, which would it be and why?

I think these tools are easy to use. I would use them, especially if they replace the traditional tools. I do not think that I would use them in addition to the tools I am using at work because that would be redundant. I have entered information in the Calendar so I guess that I will be getting reminders for those events. If that constitutes using this tool regularly, then yes I guess I would use it.(and that is why)

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3 Flickr and YouTube

Comment on the quality, entertainment value, or usefulness of the content on these sites.

Both sites, Flickr and YouTube, were user friendly. I was already familiar with YouTube. I use YouTube for many things. I use it to find songs and artists, and to get lyrics. I find it especially useful for finding very old material. I can see the value of Flickr but since I am not much of a photo taker or sharer I would not often find this site useful. From a work perspective, storing and sharing photos on Sharepoint is more useful for me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 26 Assignment RSS

I signed up for the Bloglines account. I took some IQ tests and was about to try out for winning a laptop when I realized that each time I answered a question they wanted money. I am not paying. So much for using the site . . . . . .I did choose some popular feeds and checked them out.
I added the cpl2.0 blog to my feeds. I tried another website but it would not recognize this site. I am not sure if this will make information gathering better for me but I do look forward to reading the daily Gilbert feed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 Assignment Google

2) Try out one of the Google programs or services, and write a brief blog post reviewing it.

I tried Google docs. I tried this product because friends seemed to like it. I found it easy to navigate and think it might be useful because it can be accessed from any computer and shared with whomever you wish to share it with. It is sort of like having your own personal Sharepoint site., one you can access at home if need be.
I would recomment this site to friends and colleagues.
I have used and still use Google maps, and Google earth when the need arises.

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12 Assignment, Facebook

For you, is Facebook useful or a time-waster?

Of all the time I have spend on Facebook it was to respond to an assignment or something. We did use Facebook when we created our video, "Big Butt Mammas" last year. I have added "friends" to my site.
My family are all Facebook users. And every once and a while I will communicate with them using this method. I rarely log on to Facebook because I have many other things I have to do other than sit in front of my computer. I sit there enough as is, completing University assignments and such.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 5 Assignment: Wikipedia

How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?
It was easy to find articles that you could add to. I did not find grammer or spelling errors. I did find that some of the information on certain cites was biased or written in such a way as to solicite sympathy for certain points of view. The information is supposed to be factual and objective.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29 assignment

I have read this week's assignment. I understand the content. I am not afraid, I am not nervous, I am not studpid. I have no overwhelming misunderstanding that I am about to "break" the internet. I simply have nothing of interest to blog about.
How comfortable are you using Best Websites, after this practice? I am comfortable.
Do you have any tips for using Best Websites on Delicious? I have no tips.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 22 assignment

What do I hope to learn from CPL 2.0?

I am hoping the answer to this question becomes more apparent as the exercise progresses.